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Ministries at God's Grace

Reformed Church


Devotion and Prayer (English)

Each Wednesday evening at 6:00 we meet together through Zoom for devotional teaching and time together in prayer. All are welcome as we worship our God, bringing before Him prayers of praise and thanksgiving and interceding together for the needs of the church, our loved ones, our community, and the world.  Please contact 760-963-5527 for the link.


Devotion and Prayer (Spanish)

Each Wednesday evening at 7:00 we meet together through Zoom for devotional teaching and time together in prayer. All are welcome as we worship our God, bringing before Him prayers of praise and thanksgiving and interceding together for the needs of the church, our loved ones, our community, and the world.  Please contact 760-963-5527 for the link.


Evangelism/Missions (English/Spanish)

It is our desire as a church to make disciples who make disciples, and who desire to make the grace and glory of God known in the place where God has planted us, as well as to all the world. As for the place where God has established us, we do this by engaging our local community in various ways with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As for the world, it is our desire to see the Gospel go forth into all of creation and so we are seeking to partner with the Reformed Baptist Network in order to support missionaries in various locations throughout the world. For more information about local evangelism opportunities and how to get involved, please contact the church.


Men's Group (Bilingual)

On the first Saturday of each month, the men gather together for a time of fellowship and study that we might grow in Christ-likeness, that we might become more godly men and young men, husbands, fathers, brothers, and image-bearers of Jesus Christ; we do this through the teaching of biblically based and scripturally saturated materials. We meet at 10:00 AM at the church.  Come out and join us and learn what it means to be a Godly man!


Women's Group (Bilingual)

On the first Saturday of the month, the women also gather together for fellowship and study that we might grow in Christ-likeness, that we might become more godly women and young women, wives, mothers, sisters, and image-bearers of Jesus Christ; we do this through the study of biblically based and scripturally saturated materials. We meet at 10:00 AM at the church.  Come join us and learn what it means to be a godly woman!

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