Church Leadership
dr. Ismael Miranda
Dr. Ismael Miranda serves as the teaching elder at God's Grace Reformed Church. His journey with the Lord began in his late twenties, and since then, he has remained steadfast in his service. Early in his conversion, he recognized the paramount importance of true biblical teaching, a commitment he has faithfully upheld over the past decade.
Dr. Miranda is unwavering in his adherence to the Doctrines of Grace, considering them the fullest expression of biblical orthodoxy. His primary focus is to equip the saints for the Lord's work. Serving as the primary teacher for both English and Spanish services, he embraces the truth encapsulated in the two great commands given by our Lord: to love God with our everything and to love one another, demonstrating God's eternal love for the saints.
Oscar Lopez
Oscar López serves as a pastor at God's Grace Reformed Church, teaching and equipping the saints to grow in the glory of God.
Pastor Oscar López came to the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit at the age of 33, and since then, he has been preserved by God. By God's grace, he has continued in sound biblical doctrine.
In the last decade, he began to teach the doctrines of grace, but only in the last five years did he embrace and affirm these doctrines, and they are cemented in his heart as the fullest expression of honor and glory to God.